Monday, September 22, 2014

4-Piece Nuggets (Juicy Little Tidbits)

I am a huge fan of metaphors. Like, if you get me going, I'll spew em out all over the room. Just a constant stream. Oscillating, too, if you want. (Stop me at any time. Oh wait you can't.)
Point is, whenever I can come up with a clever name for something, that's motivation enough to see it through. That's why I am bringing you a second helping of blog today in the form of 4 mini-blogs about things I've been thinking about. This should be a pretty regular thing, as I've always got a few things on my mind that are interesting, but not that interesting. Just enough for a little snack, if you will.
Hence, 4-piece nuggets. (I originally wanted to try 10-piece or 20-piece, but Melissa quickly rebutted that idea. And I agree with her. Firstly, even 10 things is stretching it just a little. Also, much like the chains that offer those size portions, you get a lack of quality with an increase in quantity. So I went with the Wendy's model. So here we go! Four topics/ideas/musings in rapid succession. On we go!

So I just mentioned Wendy's, and that got me thinking: what has happened to that place? I'm only being half rhetorical, but I really don't understand exactly what their identity is now. They still sell Frosties and burgers, but all you hear about are the "Tuscan Whatever Chicken" and the "Panini Flatbread Pita Some Such". Are they going for healthy foods, or just better quality fattening foods? And I'm sorry, but 80% of their commercials just annoy me. I feel like I'm supposed to be in the target demographic, but I always feel like I'm being made fun of. It's like they're in denial about the fact that they are a burger joint, so they lash out by making fun of other burger joints. Just be proud of your own stuff, Wendy's. We get enough smear tactics around election time (this critique applies to many companies, of course. Just sell me your stuff.)

I have an interesting idea for some meteorologist out there looking for his/her trademark "thing". What if the weather man came out, and after doing the number crunching part, and the green screen lookit-the-graphics part, they just said, "Here's how today's weather compares to yesterday's weather: it'll be warmer in the morning, then rainier after lunch, and the temperature at 4 will feel colder and blusterier". Call it the "Yesterday Forecast". People can relate because well, they were here yesterday. They remember what that felt like, and they can use that to prepare for today. Plus, I just like the name. It's probably actually a really dumb idea that couldn't be implemented logistically. Meh.

Now a fun fact about Rosco: he pees like a girl dog. For some reason, he never learned to lift his leg to pee like a 'normal' male dog. In fact, he just pulls up wherever he's standing and just sort of lowers his hips and goes. On the upside, this means he doesn't really ration out his peeing like many guy dogs (who have to 'mark' many spots along a walk), and rather gets it all out in one or two spots. On the downside, it's just a little embarrassing. It could just be that he's never had a good reason to mark, because there have been a couple occasions where he mimicked another boy dog at a dog park or obedience class, but as a regular thing, he "sits down" when he pees. Plus, he makes a funny face when he's going, which is a plus. I'd take a picture, but that'd be mean.

On a final note, I thought I'd just go ahead and admit once and for all that I am becoming a nerd in new and exciting ways. Perhaps the most basic of nerdy behaviors or activities. In case you haven't guessed, it's Dungeons & Dragons. And I dig it. There's something freeing about playing a game where you have the freedom to interact with your environment without a computerized system limiting your choices. You've just got the DM (guy running the adventure) deciding how your choices will affect you and your team. In short, it's a ton of fun, but I don't want to turn this into an advertisement. It's just the newest thing for me to geek out about.

So that's all for now. I'll try to make this a regular thing, but it will depend on the rate I can come up with the right sort of nuggets.

As always, mind your r's and c's,


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